Here is the table listing the analyses registered in the submission. An analysis is a metadata linking object, similar to the run, but for processed files. This object links a study to a sample (or set of samples) and to a file (or set of files). You can find more information in our documentation. Also, remember you can customise the table!
To modify the table, click on the eye icon . It will display the column options. You can now select the columns you want to see in the table, it will be modified immediately!
Do you want to check only the studies with type Epigenetics? You can filter in the Type column! You can filter all columns as well.
In addition, you can sort the results in ascending or descending order.
You can select individual objects in the table by clicking in the checkbox in each row. However, if you want to select all of them, you can select the checkbox at the top. Also, notice the Delete option that appears at the bottom of the table. To delete objects, you can select the object(s) you want to delete, then click on the Delete button that appears.
To create an analysis, you have to click on the Add Analysis button and start the registration.
During the registration process there are two main parts: Link and Info. During the linking registration it is similar to runs. You need to add the Files, the Study, and the Samples you want to link. Notice that you can also link an Experiment, if you registered one. However, we will show in the following steps that you can also add the experiment information in the Info section.
In an analysis you can link several Samples to a File (or files).
To select a File you must search for the file. Start typing the file name and select among the listed options. You can select as many files as needed!
You must select which Sample you want to link in the box on the right. If you want to select all registered samples you can click on the checkbox at the top of the table to save you some time!
Do you want to reuse old samples? You can add the samples by adding the Sample Accession ID (EGAN) and import them to your submission! Once the samples are imported remember to select the ones you want to use.
In the Info section you have to add a Title and a Description of the analysis metadata object. You also need to select the Analysis Type. We currently have three different types available: Reference Alignment, Sequence Variation, and Sample Phenotype. Depending on the analysis type, some new fields will appear. can add the Experiment information. Select the Platform used for sequencing the data, the Reference Genome used for the alignment, and the Experiment Type. You will see the same field for the Sequence Variation analysis type.
...there are no extra fields, as it will contain a file with phenotypic data.
Once you are happy with the information added to your analysis click on the Add button and save it. In case you do not want to save it, click the Reset Form button at the top.
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